FOUNDATION Course Curriculum

FOUNDATION Course Equipment List

Friday, May 31, 2024

Mary & Riley, Week 4 Exam 5/31/24

This first video is just an extra. I haven’t done much training with Molly since her injury 3 months ago. I thought I’d do a little while waiting for Buck to arrive with Riley. I miss working her 😞

Then Riley arrived. We did a little LL and she did well. Then on to the exam.

First a bit of a warm up. I don’t think I did pace changes during the exam so I included it in this video.. 

Then on to the exam…

The recall to SSIF

Approached by a stranger

This video is twofold. I don’t think I did any RAT during the exam so here’s a few. The other purpose of this video was to show Riley resisting the urge to lunge toward her placeboard/frontboard. She makes me laugh. She loves any kind of board 🤣

Further resistance to those boards. So proud of her. 

The down I didn’t do during the exam. Oops!

And done!

I told Mike to turn off the camera too soon. I did heel her out of her down and did an EF. Just a little brain fried. Both Riley and I!

I have to say this was one of the better days I’ve had with Riley. I know this exam was far from perfect and I also know Riley  doesn’t believe me 100% but she is starting to come around. The exam itself was a little rough but she’s working with me far better than she was a few short weeks ago as you can see in that nightmare of a tunnel of love video Roxanne posted recently. I see progress for sure.

Still workin’ on the wince…



Thursday, May 30, 2024

Week 4 exam Trina

 Not sure that this will work. I tried to get it all in one video but I had some problems. I also had Darren come to do approach by stranger. I had him start the video. She did great after a couple tries. However when I come to upload video, it never got started.  So frustrated 😣. By the end of the hour today Riley was exhausted. Let me know if I need to redo and I will set up a time with Buck to make it happen. 

Week 4 HW

 Please forgive the delay in uploading Week 4.  This past week is, literally, a BLUR.  Week 4 HW is uploaded, the Week 4 Glossary, the Week 4 article, "Why is works" and the Week 4 EXAM.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Today was a successful day for Riley. We warmed up with LL. She did great. We moved on to healing, doing all turns and pace changes. I had her walk along poles and also work on downs.  We did several recalls with ssif. She hard a hard time sitting directly in front and needed a little help with that. We did complete a successful stand with 3 circles around her. Whew it was close though. She was doing so well in her sit stays I decided to take Roxanne’s suggestion and try a walk away stay. She did amazing. I was so proud of her. I’m hoping to do the exam with her tomorrow. I think she is ready. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Mary and Riley, May 28, 5-6pm

First we did a little heeling…

Then we worked on some week 4 exercises. 

Recall to SSIF
On our first try there were so many distractions that Riley’s rear missed the board. There were kids, footballs, trash blowing in the wind, trash on the ground…the usual!

We tried a few more times and it was better even with the distractions.

Approach by a stranger


….and done!

Training Schedule for Riley, May 28-June 1

Here’s the compressed training schedule for Riley this week

Tuesday, 5/28

Jessi AM

5-6pm Mary @ Monroe’s Soccer Fields

Wednesday, 5/29

11-12:30 Roxanne @ Annabella Community Center

5-6pm Trina @

Thursday, 5/30

8-9am Mary @MSF

5-6pm Trina 

Friday, 5/31

7:30am Jessi

Saturday, 6/1

8:30-9:30am Trina



4-16-24 The infamous FC Week 2 Warm-up and Week 2 Tunnel of LOVE. Mary/Riley & Roxanne/Riley. Riley, Redd is going to get you!!





 Week 2 Tunnel of Love EXAMs Roxanne/Riley --Redd tells Riley, "STOP THAT NOW!"  


Monday, May 27, 2024

5-27-24 Welcome back, Riley

Karen and Cosmos, Before 1st lesson.


Riley was my Demo Dog today, for ILL, for new student Karen/Cosmos. It was a GOOD DAY.  

 Cosmos AFTER 1st lesson.

Friday, May 24, 2024

5-24-24 Back to Work Riley, Review of all Week 4 material


Place, LL warmup, Andy distraction  

Heeling, Pace Changes, LAT

 Heeling Posts, Sit, Stand, Down, pseudo-Figure 8. Introduced "Turn", "Side" also.  

 More pseudo-Figure 8's, heeling, Sit/Stay, introduced "Good Sit"  

 Place, Sit/Stay, Quiet Time

Thursday, May 23, 2024

5-23-24 Back to work with Riley

 We took it fairly easy today doing a lot of sit stays, downs, whistle sits, and place. She struggled with the birds that kept coming around us. Definitely a bird dog. I did feel like her sit was a lot better. She only collapsed to one side  once. She had a hard time with the EF today. Not sure if it was just from not working for a few days or the birds. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Training Schedule for Riley, May 20-26


Monday, May 20, 10:30-3, Trina @ Roxanne's House 


Tuesday, May 21, 9:30 – 10:45 Jessi @ Monroe Soccer Fields

                          4:45 – 5:45 Trina @ Annabella LDS Church


Wednesday, May 22, 11:00–1:00pm Roxanne @ Annabella LDS Church

                               5:30 – 6:30 Jessi @ Monroe Soccer Field


Thursday, May 23, 4:45 – 5:45 Trina @ Central Park


Friday, May 24, 11:00-1:30pm Roxanne, drop off at IFA 11:00am, Pick up at Bar 86, 1:30pm)


Saturday, May 25, 9:00-10:00 Trina @ Tractor Supply

                           1:30-3:00 Roxanne @ Roxanne’s House


Sunday, May 26, OFF


Saturday, May 18, 2024

Week 3 exam2 Trina

 Riley is progressing through the program. She continues to struggle with any distraction, however I feel she refocuses back to what she needs to be doing quicker. She is also doing very well on her sit stays. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

5-17-24 The 'extra's today!'

Great handling of my Ruth today, Jackson!!

Mary, Riley, Roxanne and all the dogs! May 16, 2024, 8:30

This morning was quite the workout! We set up an intense tunnel of love that was incredibly challenging. Riley wasn’t very interested in the food or the toys…it was the dogs. She wants to be part of the pack. Anyway, it went a little something like this…

And this…

I wish you could see Ruth in this video. She was on place to the right of the camera. Riley really wanted to interact with her. Ruth had her game face on and wouldn’t even acknowledge Riley. She was so calm while Riley was trying everything she could to get to her.

 I really didn’t want to post these videos but it’s good to watch them so I can see what’s working and what’s not. Riley is a great dog. She is going to make me a better handler for sure. My footwork needs to be cleaner and I need to start doing some upper body workouts!!!!

Then Roxanne worked Riley through the tunnel of dogs…


Then there’s these two with Boaz in the background. ❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Week 3 exam 1

Hopefully this will pass for exam 1 this week. She did pretty good at the poles today. Only a couple “OUTS”! She seemed really tired today. We practiced sit/stay quite a bit, which she did really well. The only time she broke was the time I recorded for the test. 😕. I struggled getting her to stand today. She kept wanting to sit. I think she was just so tired. We will try again tomorrow. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Mary & Riley, May 15, 8:30am

Another fun morning with Riley! She is so smart!

We did some heeling post work. It didn’t take her long to figure out it’s better not to move away from me to end up on the other side of the pole.

Which way should I go?

This way?

Or this way?

Good choice, Riley 🙂

Then we worked on place. 

Good sit, Riley!!


And here’s a video of our week 1 exam. Riley was so distracted with the smells, the mud, the birds and Molly. I don’t  think Riley has quite figured out what Molly is yet so she is thoroughly distracted by her! 


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mary & Riley May 14, 9:30am

 First of all, I have to say to you Buck, Roxanne, Trina and Jessi you have all done the hard work with Riley and I got to benefit from that today. 🙂 She has greatly improved. I only worked her briefly a few weeks ago so I wasn’t sure what to expect. She was delightful. She did great on the LL, her heeling is so much better as well as her AS. I really enjoyed my time with her. 

Her biggest distraction today were those puffy white cotton balls floating through the air and whirling around on the ground. They were everywhere! I never thought I’d be working against soft, white, fluffy floaty things but that was our morning 🤣 You can’t really see them in this short video but she could!

We also did some heeling post work. After a few passes, she got it. She really is a smart dog. 

Mike came with Molly toward the end of the session so we could try the week one exam. By that time Riley was hot and done. She wasn’t happy with the LL at that point and wanted to bite it. I had to out her a few times. Seeing how done she was I walked the line, we regrouped and relaxed a few minutes in the shade til Buck arrived to take her home. We’ll try again tomorrow. Overall, it was a wonderful morning. . 

Riley /Jessi May 7th compressed program week 1/2


This Girl is a woot and so fun to work !!!
She is a very smart cookie!!!
She will be an amazing bird dog ! There was a lady working on her shot put some sort of fly disc she would throw. Riley was going nuts over it. Super high distraction! All she could think was to go get it. She was also marking where it landed !!

Riley/jessi May 8th &11 exam 1

May 8th
The Distraction's were off the charts. 
Successful week 1 exam
 The ball fields were full with people and other dogs. 

May 11th 
Riley was very interested with people coming in and out of the shop. 
She did complete a full Quite time !!!

5-13-24 Riley's (4) mock practice efforts for Week 1 LL EXAM, then Pass and Extra credit LL test too!

It took just 4 short LL reminders for Riley to remember I do know what I am doing, and her BEST choice is to track with me. Also, please note, I have NOT worked Riley in over a month, so this is excellent retention of the first LL lessons we did, WAY BACK when, at Annabella Park against my Pack. What is interesting is how FAST Riley remembers her prior LL lessons. Please note, she improves with EVERY collar correction. Smart dog! 

 Reminder # 1

 Reminder # 2

 Reminder # 3

 Reminder # 4 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Rileys progress

I am very pleased with the progress Riley is making. She is much more attentive when on the leash. She stays by my side and doesn't pull or wander. She is still struggling with jumping up on everything at home, and wants to eat everything in sight, but we are working on that. i have noticed she pays attention when I am talking to her. She looks at me, and hears what I say. The team is doing a great job and I can see that she will be an obedient dog when training is done. Thanks to all of you.

Friday, May 10, 2024

May 10th

 Longe line work to begin. Riley did really well. Payed attention and stayed right with me. No collar corrections today on longe line work. We then went to short leash and worked against food distractions. (Sausage, bacon, cheese, and a hot dog). This was extremely difficult for her. We worked for about 20 minutes before she finally decided she needed to ignore the food and walk. It was a mentally challenging session today. She is such a sweet girl. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Exam 1 with Trina

 Here is Riley’s week 1 exam with Trina as handler. 

May 8th training.

 Today Riley started with Longe Line. A ball was thrown around her for distraction and to make her make choices of whether or not to go after it or stay with handler. It took a bit but she finally started to make good choices and really think about what she needed to do. Jessi and I were able to complete two - week 1 exams. After testing, Riley worked on short leash doing right turns, left turns, right about turns, halts and sit stays. Riley is starting to have more frequent times of paying attention to handler. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

May 7th Training

 2nd session. Riley started out doing longe line awesome. We did it for about 7 minutes then she was definitely ready to move on. We worked on all turns. She had times of compliance and times very distracted. While we were there a group of people showed up at the pavilion for a party. Food/ kids/ barking dogs.  Super high distraction!!!I walked her all around tables with food on. She did so much better than I thought she would have done. Leaves, blowing, trash blowing by, and a tumble weed was her nemesis today. She is definitely making improvement. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Compressed Training Program Schedule

 5-6-2024 thru 5-11-2024 - Intro to ILL, LL, Week 2

*Monday, May 6, 9:45-3, Trina @ Roxanne's, Buck drops off/picks up Riley

*Tuesday, May 7, 1) 10-11:30 Jessi @ Monroe Lion's Park, Buck drops off/picks up

                              2) 4:45-5:30 Trina @ Monroe Lion's Park, Buck drops off/picks up

*Wednesday, May 8, 5:30-6:15 Jessi @ Monroe Lion's Park, Buck drops off/picks up

*Thursday, May 9, 4:45-5:30 Trina @ CV Park, Buck drops off/picks up

*Friday, May 10, 4:45-5:30 Trina @ CV Park, Buck drops off/picks up

*Saturday, May 11, 12:30-4:00 Jessi @ Jessi's Shop, Buck drops off/picks up

Week 1 LL and Week 2 EXAM's posted by Riley trainers that week

Sunday - off


 5-13-2024 thru 5-18-2024 - Week 2/Week 3

*Monday, May 13, 11:45 - 3, Trina @ Roxanne's, Buck drops off/picks up Riley

*Tuesday, May 14, 9:30-11, Mary @ Monroe Soccer Field, Buck drops off/picks up Riley

*Wednesday, May 15, 1) 9:30-11, Mary @ Monroe Soccer Field, Buck drops off/picks up Riley

                                     2) 5:30-6:15, Jessi @ Monroe Lions Park, Buck drops off/picks up Riley

*Thursday, May 16, 4:30-5:30, Trina @ CV Park, Buck drops off/picks up Riley

*Friday, May 17, 1) 10-11:30, Roxanne @ Roxanne's Place, Buck drops off/picks up Riley

                             2) 4:45-5:30 Trina @ TBD, Buck drops off/picks up Riley

Saturday, May 18, 9-11 Roxanne@Roxanne's Place, Buck drops off/picks up Riley

Week 2 EXAM (Roxanne) and both Week 3 EXAMS posted by Riley trainers that week

Sunday oiff


5-20-2024 thru 5-25-2024 - Week 4/Week 5



5-27-2024 thru 6-1-2024 - Week 5/Week 6



6-3-2024 thru 6-8-2024 - Extra Week for catchup/EXAMS

5-6-2024 The Compressed Program has begun!

 Handlers Roxanne, Jessi, Mary and Trina were in attendance today. We needed to organize the training schedule for the next 2 weeks, as well as get in two (2) separate training sessions for Riley. There was a HUGE difference and improvement in Riley from this morning's training session to this afternoon's training session.

Trina did a good 15+ minutes of intense ILL work with Riley, then we switched to Week 2 material. Mainly a zillion (or so it seemed) RATT with a very distracted Riley


Then group Scrambled Heeling  

 Then the infamous Tunnel of Love efforts-:) Seems like another bazillion RATT-:)  

 More infamous Tunnel of Love efforts-:)  

 Trina works Piper  

 Riley had a lovely nap at lunchtime, then it was time to work again in her 2nd Training Session today. 

Initially, this morning, Riley was struggling to focus.