FOUNDATION Course Curriculum

FOUNDATION Course Equipment List

HOMEWORK Week 3 - The Stand (done silently Week 3, Days 1-3), Add "Stand" command to Week 3, Days 4-6

Halt and Auto Sit

Relaxed leash and dog is in Sit position

Right hand slightly pulls dog forward, right foot is in front of dogs feet, left hand is beginning to stroke down

Now, as I am lifting dog, still with slight forward pressure of leash in front of dog
Notice my left foot has moved to between dogs front/rear legs as this is where the real footwork done is accomplished. Dog will automatically move away (up) from the presence of the foot even when the foot isn't touching the dog. This is using your energy to move or shape the dog into a specific position - here the Stand.

Praise ONLY on the dogs head to shoulder area. THIS IS NOT PETTING OR FONDLING THE DOG. This is a deliberate stroking, very light (almost a tease) so the dog lifts up to earn the touch. This is called Conditioned Relaxation and we will use this 1000 times so make it pleasurable for your dog.

When done, or if dog moves a foot, immediately! do an Exercise Finish. Here my left hand is sliding down the leash... I command "Heel"   and spit this command out quickly, but don't worry about your mechanics so much as YOU NEVER EVER WANT A DOG TO SIT FROM A STAND AT THIS POINT IN THE TRAINING. EVER. Better the dog move a smidge, you spit out "Heel" and move forward so the dog thinks it was your idea to go forward at that point. 

Here is the "Heel" command footwork from the back view

Here I have halted in correct heel position and Ghost is preparing to do Auto Sit


Voila -- the Stand mechanics in photo sequence.

Stand, Days 1-3 in slow motion

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