FOUNDATION Course Curriculum

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HOMEWORK Week 4: The DOWN with an aggressive GSD, Pree having a hissie fit meltdown and Boaz 'Down' blooper

In real time, this Koehler Instructor uses Phooey! instead of OUT!, when this aggressive GSD attempts to bite her.

Notice how VERY careful this Instructor is in her body mechanics AND keeping her face AWAY from this GSD.

In slow motion

Roxanne working Pree through her hissie fit. Pree did NOT attempt a redirect bite so that is why I did NOT "Out!" her. However, I continued to work her as I could NOT let her succeed at failing to do the right thing which was the Down as commanded.  I remained CCC - Calm, Cool & Collected and did NOT take offense at her behavior, but did also display PIC - Persistent, Insistent and Consistent in requiring her to do what she was commanded to do regardless of her opinion.


 Boaz's Down Blooper @ 16 weeks old

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