FOUNDATION Course Curriculum

FOUNDATION Course Equipment List

HOMEWORK Week 2: The Sit and the 3 turns

 Pree at 13 weeks is my demo dog

for Week 2, Days 1 & 2, heeling and the Sit

Boaz at 13 weeks as my demo dog for Week 2: Days 1 & 2, the RATT(Right About Training Turn) and the Sit

Week 2, Days 3 & 4, heeling, the turns (sort've) and adding command Sit

Week 2 Days 5 & 6: The Sit Correction sequence

Here you can see Ghost is 'reading' my hands and preparing to Sit.

Right foot is getting ready to close as right hand is getting ready to come close to left hand
Both hands together, close to the dogs right eye, are the cue to the dog to Sit

Another view of the Sit hand signal for my imaginary Fido dog

As soon as dog is sitting, relax the grip on the leash, praise, and stand up tall and straight.

Watch again. You halt, the dog gets the two hands together, you count "1..2" and immediately give the Sit Correction. Praise for EVERY Sit

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