FOUNDATION Course Curriculum

FOUNDATION Course Equipment List

Cliff Notes Week 3: Stand


Dog Learns Discipline

The dog is learning, for the first time, to hold a new position. Just like the Sit, the Stand is taught silently for the first 3 days so no commands, you are just shaping the dog. To set the dog up for success, start in low levels of distractions, for very short times.

  • Halt and Auto Sit.
  • Gather the leash in your right hand and have the feed of the leash come straight out under the dog’s chin. 
  • The right hand pulls the leash very slightly forward in front of the dog's face about 2 - 4”.
  • At the same time, the handler's right foot moves from heel position to in front of the dog at a 90 degree angle so the dog doesn’t move forward very much.
  • The left foot then moves between the dog’s front/rear legs (will act as energy to move the dog into a stand) as the left hand strokes down the dog’s left side to their stomach and gently lifts the dog up.
  • Once the dog is in a Stand, praise the dog using ‘Conditioned Relaxation’.

Conditioned Relaxation
  • Praise ONLY on the dogs head to shoulder area. THIS IS NOT PETTING OR FONDLING THE DOG. 
  • This is a deliberate, light, ever so gentle stroke where the dog will straighten up higher to get the sensation. It needs to be pleasurable to the dog.
  • You should also hover or bend over the dog to do the Conditioned Relaxation move as you want the dog comfortable with you being over its back. You will need this later for when the Down is taught. 

*IMPORTANT*  There is NO correction for a Stand and YOU NEVER, EVER WANT A DOG TO SIT FROM A STAND AT THIS POINT IN THE TRAINING! A broken Stand is ghastly to repair. 

So, should the dog move a foot, do an Exercise Finish immediately! Don’t wait, don’t get your leash in proper position, just move as you say “Heel”. The point is to help the dog to succeed so we ‘help’ the dog, should it move, by spitting out the command “Heel” like it was our idea all along.

Daily Training Sessions
  • Follow Training Protocol before and after every session
  • Before each session: LL warmup until the dog ignores high distractions
  • After each session: LL Cool Down
  • Quiet Time should be done at least 2 times a day

  • Days 1-2: Low distractions
  • Days 3-4: Medium distractions
  • Days 5-6: High distractions

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