FOUNDATION Course Curriculum

FOUNDATION Course Equipment List

FC Week 3 Glossary

                                      Foundation Course                                                     Glossary/Key Terms

Week 3 = Dog learns Discipline


Place Board

Raised board with non-skid surface big enough for the dog to properly sit. Helps you form a sit and teaches dog to wait in one “place” until commanded otherwise. Size of Place Board is determined by size of the dog.

Negative Space

A 4-sided box made from 1” or smaller PVC pipe with elbows connecting each corner.  Negative Space is the same size as the Place Board and designed to rest on top of Place Board.

PVC ‘Pipes’

1 1/2” diameter PVC pipes, cut into 9 pieces, with sanded edges, designed to stand upright on a hard surface for the Week 3 EXAM # 1.



A three-step foot mechanic that cues your dog to stop. Used with the KISS and auto sit.

1 = As Right foot steps, left hand slides down leash pinkie towards snap bolt

2 = Left foot steps forward ½ normal stride length as right hand slides towards left hand, both fists on leash, palms down to ground, this the ‘KISS’ hand signal for Sit 1-2 seconds ONLY

3 = Right foot closes next to left foot as Sit Correction is executed. 

Heeling Post

A solid, unmovable post, preferably round, as leash will wrap around it as you heel past and your dog goes on the other side. It teaches the dog that remaining close to you while heeling is always the wise choice to make. 


The command and mechanics used to guide your dog onto a place board. Say “Place” to command your dog to step onto the board and remain there until released, even if you move away. "Place" is one of the few times you can repeat the command until the dog has all four paws on the board. The dog can shift position if all paws remain on the board. No “STAY” command given when dog is on Place Board as “Place” as an implied, never spoken “Stay” as part of this exercise. 


Move your right hand, fingers open, a few inches in front of the dog’s face as you command “Stay”. The dog must remain in this exact position and location. When walking away from your dog, always step off with your right foot. If dog drops head below shoulders, it will break its “Stay”, step in and correct dog. 


Use the stay mechanics to command your dog to remain in a sit without moving.

Sit/Stay Correction

When your dog breaks the sit/stay, step towards the dog with both hands on the leash and pull straight up, lifting your dog off the ground to place it back where it should have been sitting. Do not repeat the sit command.

Exercise Finish

After completing an exercise like the Sit/stay or Stand, and you heel off to an auto sit, then you do an Exercise Finish. This finish from the Auto Sit is one step with the left foot, KISS and close with your right foot to an Auto Sit. Indicates to the dog that specific exercise is done.

Pace changes

Your body mechanics shift to cue the dog that your heeling speed is changing from normal to slow or fast.

Normal pace = body upright, weight evenly distributed with feet flat on ground

Slow pace = body leans back slightly, weight almost on heels while walking

Fast pace = body leans forward slightly with arms at 90-degree angle, like jogging, weight almost on balls of the feet while jogging.

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