Link to Week 5, "KMODT, Why it works" article. Sure hope you are reading these articles, Buck, they explain so much of WHY/HOW this KMODT changes the dog's mindset.
Week 5 HW is uploaded. There are two EXAMS this week and one Pop Quiz. There is also new material to complete so Jessi, Trina, Mary and I will be busy indeed.
Next Monday, June 10th, please bring Riley to class at 9:45 - 3. Her Week 6 'magic' lesson will occur at 11:30. We will do our Week 6 EXAMS that week and post. After that, Buck, you are welcome to come on Mondays, with Riley, to observe classes, learn, practice and get ready for Retrieve Class. I highly recommend attending these Monday classes, with Riley, would be beneficial for the both of you as she's going to have withdrawals from the 4 of us working her consistently.
Our Tech Savvy, ecollar classes, I will set up with you separately.
Week 5 Monday classes. We nicknamed Riley today. "Hell on Wheels" seems to suit her perfectly-:)