FOUNDATION Course Curriculum

FOUNDATION Course Equipment List

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Mary & Riley 6/5, 7:30am, Week 5

 Week 5, Exam 1…The Vickster’s Test

I thought the test was going to be super stressful and disastrous but Riley surprised me. As Roxanne said, it wasn't perfect but better than I expected. Yay, Riley!!! She did so well! 

It went like this:

Gotta love how I backed myself into the corner with the first sit/stay attempt🤣

Then we did some serpentine work with the pipes. Fun!!!

And Riley was done!

The string test is next…


  1. I will get caught up and put the EXAMS in the correct sequence, soon. Really, I will! Gotta student starting in minutes.


  2. Great Job Mary. What a relief to have that over with.
