FOUNDATION Course Curriculum

FOUNDATION Course Equipment List

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Week 4 exams


This was only take 2 of  this exam and she did well. Considering the stranger some dogs get really nervous around different skin color/ silhouette. 

I forgot to video SSIF will do when I work her next and add to this post. She did well. A lot of distraction today !!!! I worked her here to finish week 4. Sorry for the mix up Buck. 

She is doing well with the Down 


  1. She did well! She is healing as her Sit and Stand are markedly much improved!

    Love the Approach by a Stranger, I do believe the Flooding we did with Riley on Monday helped her.

    Good job Jessi. Well.done, Riley👏

  2. Nice job Jessi. So much fun watching you.
