FOUNDATION Course Curriculum

FOUNDATION Course Equipment List

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Week 3 test 2 Riley and Buck


  1. See what you think, not sure on the 1 minute stand but I didn’t have time to do the whole test over.

  2. What a total joy watching this EXAM Buck. You worked diligently to maintain that "J" loop, to make sure your 3 -step Halt to AS footwork was correct, to do the KISS, to then do the Sit Correction, and to praise Riley. The Sit/Stay was excellent, she almost made it 1 minute straight in a perfect Tuck Sit which indicates her back is healing. The Stand? Awesome, not because she did it perfectly, but because you were quiet, steady, and patient in helping Riley succeed.

    This is a total PASS, Buck. While Week 3 EXAM # 2 IS the privately week for the dog internalizing the work, Riley already knows the work. For you, persevering, being open to my constant coaching, and working on YOUR mechanics are what made this EXAM transformational. For the first time since we started the Transfer Protocal, I see in this EXAM, Riley working FOR you and WITH you. I even saw a few check-ins🤗.

    I also see a CCC, Calm, Cool, Collected you, Buck. I see quiet movements, thoughtful mechanics, and incredible patience with Riley. For the first time, I SEE you working to make HER a success. For the first time, I see a team effort.

    I AM THRILLED. So too should you be Buck. Your inner transformation is now beginning, praise the Lord. This KMODT is far, FAR more than mere mechanics, it is a mindset that changes the dog, AND the handler.

    Bravo, Buck, bravo!!!!

  3. Amazing, Buck! You were so calm and your mechanics were spot on. Riley responded so well. It's hard to believe that's the same dog from just a few days ago. The time, effort and resources put into training is so worth it. In that video you see the pay off! Great work, Buck!!!

  4. Oh my gosh! All I can say is WOW! That was truly amazing. You have worked so hard with her and it shows in this video. I am so happy for you and Riley. Good job Buck.
