FOUNDATION Course Curriculum

FOUNDATION Course Equipment List

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Mary & Riley LL and String Test, 6/6/24, 7:45 am

Ha! It only took a little over a mile of LL work to get Riley to say no this morning. Roxanne is going to post the LL session from today. If you compare this post to that session a few weeks ago, where we attempted the tunnel of love with insanely high distractions to this morning’s post, you’ll see Riley is a whole different dog. We had the same distractions (the Lee pack) but we were much more successful today. She has improved so much and makes good choices more often now. This morning was hard work but it was worth it! Yay, Riley!

After the LL, Riley stayed on a place command while Roxanne loaded her dogs. Riley wanted to get in that truck so badly but she stayed on her place board. Good dog!

Then for the grand finale…

The Week 5 string test…

It was a little rough. Riley and I were both exhausted but we got through it.

I am rather fond of that dog!!!



  1. Exhausting but successful morning with Riley

  2. She has progressed SO MUCH in the past 2 weeks! Atta girl, Riley!

